
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

* "B's" Golden* PaRtY

I had a lot of fun putting together this *GoLdEn* birthday party for my great photographer friend Brooke (thanks Joni!). Her favorite color is gold and so it was all about glamour. We could've gone a lot more overboard and added in some Hollywood movie themed glamour but this was a budgeted party so next time! Turned out glamorous though don't ya think?! Thanks for the nod-yes, I saw it ;)

Home made peanut butter cups...oh YUMChocolate covered Oreo's are one of my signatures so you'll see lots of those!


A great night!

~Party Perfect by Jess

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Some of these shots turned out awesome (a lil shout out to myself). j/k. You did GREAT work on that party. I couldnt believe the attnetion to detail! I don't have the patience, so I commend you.
    xo -Crystal
